My Skills

Front End

  • HTML
  • Css, Sass, Bootstrap
  • JavaScript-es6, Typescript
  • React, Redux
  • Webpack, Gulp

Back end

  • Node js, Express
  • Nosql, Mongodb
  • Database design, Sql, MySql, Postgresql
  • Php , Laravel
  • Creating and consuming APIs

Other tools , platforms and skills

  • Data-structure, Algorithms
  • OOP, MVC, UML, Design Pattern
  • Heroku, Netlify, Firebase
  • Git, Github, Docker, kubernetes
  • Code testing, coverage, documenting



  • From 1/11/2020 - 1/4/2021

Full time backend developer at digital veins

  • From 1/5/2021 To Current

My Work


Online E-commerce website, mobile app, desktop POS app for selling modern fashion clothes , my job was to create the website and also create and api for both mobile app and desktop app, and also creating an admin panel for different roles of users, built in two different languages and two differnt currencies

  • MySql
  • Laravel
Project 1

[CRM] Customer Relation Management System specialized in food field used in one of the most food restaurants in egypt like [zack's ,burger joint, zalata] it enables those restuarants to automate an provision their businesses with the help of many software module like. all of those modules are web based with the help of API

  • 1-admin dashboard modules:- enable the owner to add his brand related inventory, ingredients,branches, food categories , food products,branches managers and cashiers, call center leaders and agents, generate reports on data based on many parameters like [date,branch,product,sources,inventory ingredients]
  • 2-call center module:- enable agent to recieve customers phone calls, create orders for them,track their order status, add customer's complains and suggestions,
  • 3-POS [point of sale] cashier modules those POS machines runs on the branches places and they cashiers to create orders to customers
  • 4-KDS [Kitchen display system] screens resides in the kitchen to inform cheif and cooks directly about orders
  • 4-KDS [Kitchen display system] screens resides in the kitchen to inform cheif and cooks directly about orders
4-mobile app an app that user can download and order via it

  • MySql
  • Laravel
  • web sockets[used in realtime ordering feature]
Project 1

Elfath chemical agricultural online fair

web based fair to show multiple variant types of agri-cultural products provided with admin dashboard to enable him to add,edit and show products including its name, images, category, usage, ingredients and more

  • Laravel
  • bootsrap
  • multi_language
Project 1

Online BookStore

Online bookshop built in mern stack, user can view books, add book to cart, login, register , admin can add books, delete books,update books, add categoris delete categoris, control users, multiple payment methods

  • Mongodb
  • React
  • Node js
  • Express
Project 1

Covid19 Tracker

Covid19 live app consuming api and convert data into Charts , tables and maps

  • React
  • Material UI
  • Chart-js
  • Leaflet-js
  • API
Project 1

Developers Social Media Platform

Social media platform, user can create profile and join this social media that is designed for developers, user can add education items and experience items, user can create posts, comment on posts, user can like and react to posts and comments, it also has a notifications feature

  • React
  • Redux
  • React-formik
  • firebase
  • Sass
Project 3

Shopping Cart

Shoping cart page where user can add products to cart, adjust quantity ,remove products built in html css and native js -documented using js doc package

  • Html
  • Css
  • js
  • jsDocs
  • Sass
Project 3

Voting App [SPA] in Pure js

Pure JS single Page App for voting up or down on request and also super user capability to add request and also deleting

  • Html
  • Css
  • js
Project 3

PHP MVC Framework

An MVC framwork built in OOP and very utilized,it can be a boilerplate for any php project it contains controller,DB,Model,Authentication Classes

  • php
  • Bootstrap
  • laravel
  • MySql

E-commerce in laravel

E-commerce built in laravel MVC framwork and voyager admin dashboard panel admin can add, update, delete, show products , user can register and add products to cart and purchase online

  • Html
  • Css
  • php
  • Bootstrap
  • laravel
  • MySql
  • heroku
  • voyager
Project 3

Premium E-commerce template

template contains most pages might be needed in any ecommerce website home, about, contact, checkout, categories

  • Html
  • Css
  • Sass
  • Bootstrap
  • Jquery
Project 3

phones store cart

  • html
  • css
  • react
  • context-api
Project 3

Riddit Search app

searcj anything in reddit and get results

  • Html
  • css
  • pure js
Project 3

Text to sound

type whatever and get the voice with your desired rate and pithc

  • html
  • css
  • js
Project 3

Memory Game

  • html
  • css
  • js
Project 3

Flexy Landing Page

  • html
  • css
Project 3

Flat Landing Page

  • Html
  • Css
Project 3

My Education and certificates

Faculty of Engineering

Al-azhar university in cairo - egypt

Computers and Systems Department

  • 2014-2020
  • GPA [2.7] [Good]
Project 1 Project 1

Responsive Web Design From Freecodecamp

Project 1

Javascript algorithms and datastructure From freecodecamp

Project 1

Front-end libraries From freecodecamp

Project 1

About Me

Reliable,focused, ambitious, quick learner, full-‎stack software engineer, skilled at completing ‎daily assignments and contributing to team ‎success. Always willing to take on any task. ‎Adapts quickly to new needs and deliverables.‎

My Resume